Saturday, April 17, 2010

Silk Road Day 22: Bukhara

Bukhara 03

After a surprisingly good night's sleep on the usual hard beds, and a dodgy breakfast in the hotel, we set off for our sightseeing. We visited the Ark (where the Emirs used to live) and the bug pit where they used to throw prisoners.

Bukhara 04

Bukhara 05

We then had to take an emergency taxi ride back to the hotel because something I ate a breakfast did not agree with me. Thankfully we made it back in time and all was okay eventually.

Bukhara 06

I decided not to risk venturing out in the afternoon so we stayed in the hotel and read, and I caught up on some emails. Thankfully we were back on the train for dinner, another delicious Russian meal. I don't know how they make such great food in such a tiny space!

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